Explore The Benefits Of AALNC
AALNC’s mission is to provide a platform for education, research, and exchange of information for legal nurse consultants at all stages of their careers.

A national network of colleagues to share resources, overcome challenges, and celebrate successes. Attend educational sessions at the AALNC Educational and Networking Forum where you can enhance your network of professional contacts, learn about recent advances and issues in your specialty, and gain new perspectives that can strengthen your practice. Start exploring your community today by reaching out to our Membership Ambassador, Susan Carleo. Becoming a member of AALNC provides a discount on Forum Registration.

Free access to all 10 on-demand webinars presented annually, within the year the webinar is released. This is a value of $300 and 10 CNE contact hours included in membership. AALNC offers these free webinar presentations with dynamic educational presentations and quality speakers from across the country.

Educational Resources
Included in AALNC membership, enjoy free access to our foundational resource, The Legal Nurse Consulting: Scope and Standards of Practice (valued at $40) as well as access to the searchable Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting archives.
AALNC also offers a variety of educational resources at exclusive member discounts, such as Legal Nurse Consulting: Principles and Practice 4th Edition, our online Legal Nurse Consulting Professional Course, and many other resources.

Career Support
Manage your career with the AALNC Career Center and the LNC Locator®! The Career Center allows you to search and apply to the best LNC jobs at institutions that value your credentials. Upload your resume, access career resources, and receive job alerts. Increase your visibility by adding your name to the online marketing database on the AALNC website. The LNC Locator® lists each member's contact information, areas of clinical nursing experience and areas of legal expertise and identifies whether the person is an expert witness within those areas. Attorneys use this service free of charge to locate an LNC or expert witness.

Exclusive Member Discounts
Whether it is attendance to our Annual Forum or access to education we offer, AALNC is the gold standard when it comes to legal nurse consulting. Receive a substantial discount on the LNCC® certification exam certification exam, offered two times per year, and member pricing on all AALNC products. Check out our online store to take advantage of these offers all year long!

Member Affinity Program
AALNC members have access to special benefits through leading companies in Professional Liability Insurance, online databases, and LNC-specific software. Our affinity program now offers discounts to AALNC members on vendors they use every day, like UPS, Office Depot, and more!
Click here to view all the discounts offered!

Shared Interest Groups
Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) allow members to have a central place for conversation and sharing about common interests. Explore these online communities dedicated to topics related to the LNC career: Report Writing, Medical Malpractice & Personal Injury, Expert Witness, and New/Novice LNC

Access a nationwide network of more than 1,500 members and the ability to search for fellow AALNC members in the online membership directory. Join one of the local chapters and learn about the latest issues and trends concerning medical-legal issues and the legal nurse consulting practice. Whether you are just getting started in your practice, or have been an LNC for many years, AALNC is the professional home for all Legal Nurse Consultants. Read more about making the most of your AALNC experience in message from our previous Membership Ambassador .