Submission Guidelines for The Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting
The Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting (JLNC), a peer reviewed publication, is the official journal of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC). We invite interested nurses and allied professionals to submit article queries or manuscripts that educate and inform our readership about current practice methods, legal issues, professional development, and the promotion of legal nurse consulting within the medical-legal community. Manuscript submissions are peer-reviewed by professional LNCs with diverse professional backgrounds.
We particularly encourage first-time authors to submit manuscripts. The editor will provide writing and conceptual assistance as needed.
Manuscript Submission
The Journal accepts original articles, case studies, letters, and research. Query letters are welcomed but not required. Material must be original and never published before. A manuscript should be submitted with the understanding that it is not being sent to any other journal simultaneously. Manuscripts should be addressed to Please see below to find detailed information for Authors before submitting.
Please follow these instructions for articles submitted for consideration.
Instructions for Text
- Manuscript length: 1500 – 4000 words
- Use Word© format only (.doc or .docx)
- Submit only original manuscript not under consideration by other publications
- Put the title and page number in a header on each page (using the Header feature in Word)
- Use Times New Roman 12 point
- Place author name, contact information, and article title on a separate title page, so author name can be blinded for peer review
- Text: Use APA style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition) (
- Legal citations: Use The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (15th ed.), Cambridge, MA: The Harvard Law Review Association
- Live links are encouraged. Please include the full URL for each. Be careful that any automatic formatting does not break links and that they are all fully functional.
- Include a 100-word abstract and keywords on the first page
- Submit your article as an email attachment, with document title articlename.doc, e.g.,wheelchairs.doc
Instructions for Art, Figures, Tables, Links
- All photos, figures, and artwork should be in JPG or PDF format (JPG preferred for photos). Line art should have a minimum resolution of 1000 dpi, halftone art (photos) a minimum of 300 dpi, and combination art (line/tone) a minimum of 500 dpi.
- Each table, figure, photo, or art should be submitted as a separate file attachment, labeled to match its reference in text, with credits if needed (e.g., Table 1, Common nursing diagnoses in SCI; Figure 3, Time to endpoints by intervention, American Cancer Society, 2003)
Instructions for Permissions
The author must accompany the submission with written release from:
- Any recognizably identified facility or patient/client, for the use of their name or image
- Any recognizable person in a photograph, for unrestricted use of the image
- Any copyright holder, for copyrighted materials including illustrations, photographs, tables, etc.
- All authors must disclose any relationship with facilities, institutions, organizations, or companies mentioned in their work
General information
Acceptance will be based on the importance of the material for the audience and the quality of the material, and cannot be guaranteed.
All accepted manuscripts are subject to editing, which may involve only minor changes in grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, etc. However, some editing may involve condensing or restructuring the narrative. Authors will be notified of extensive editing. Authors will approve the final revision for submission.
The author, not the Journal, is responsible for the views and conclusions of a published manuscript.
The author will assign copyright to JLNC upon acceptance of the article. Permission for reprints or reproduction must be obtained from AALNC and will not be unreasonably withheld. Any JLNC author wishing to promote their published article through their personal or professional website or social media may contact for permission and instruction.